You may have some burning questions that can't wait until our consultation call, so here are a few frequently asked questions from clients that may help.
What is the goal of a coaching session?
The goal is to focus on your potential (your unrealized ability or possibility) by leveraging your strengths, identifying any barriers that are in your way and targeting the areas you are most interested in addressing to help you reach your goals more effectively.
Can I change through coaching?
Yes, you can. Coaching can be the catalyst to shift the trajectory of your life, enabling you to change the quality and the direction of your life personally ad professionally.
What about confidentiality?
What happens in our sessions stays in our sessions. I fully understand the value of your trust, and will take every precaution to safeguard it.
How often would I meet with my coach?
See program details. Through experience and testing, I have found that meeting once a week offers time for reflection and application of learning between sessions, while maintaining the momentum of our work together.
How are the coaching session be conducted?
In order to make coaching as convenient as possible for you, I offer several options. Coaching services can be conducted virtually or over the phone which gives you flexibility to meet from anywhere at anytime.
How long does the coaching process take?
The time frame can vary greatly and depends on a wide range of factors: your goal(s), your commitment and openness to change, your capacity for introspection, your circumstances, how quickly and thoughtfully you complete homework assignments, and other unique factors.
Some individuals who come in for a very brief engagement (e.g., one coaching session). There are others who come in focused on one goal, achieve that goal, and begin work on another goal and then another.
What is the coaching style used?
The foundation of coaching incorporates these primary styles:
· Transformation-oriented: The focus is on embracing change, adaptability, and opportunity for improvement forging ahead in exciting new directions.
· Results-oriented: Primary style is emergent, iterative and results-oriented. Targeted strategies and tools are focused on outcome rather than process that is most effective.
· Direct: Honest, crucial conversations, when appropriate, are met head-on without reservation.
· Holistic: Practicing helping you to reach your goals by focusing on the whole person approach to health through personal development. This means helping clients not just with their physical wellbeing but also their mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. We know a change you make in one area often influences and impacts another. The goal is to have a result that is real, has lasting change and not just a quick fix.
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